In July 2023, an exciting public scientific event named Moin Morgen took place in Büsum, northern Germany. Our colleagues from the Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife (ITAW) took the opportunity to enlighten the audience about various threats to marine life, with a particular focus on the potential impacts of underwater noise. To aid their presentation, Laura Rojas Cortes and Maria Morell collaborated on a visually appealing poster that showcased the DIAPHONIA project and our approach to research.
The event proved to be an immersive experience for all participants as we delved into the captivating realm of bioacoustics. Engaging discussions and thought-provoking questions were raised and addressed, fostering an enriching exchange of knowledge with the public.
Given the proximity of Büsum to the North Sea, discussions naturally gravitated towards fishing and offshore wind power, drawing the attention of both local residents and tourists alike. It was truly rewarding to interact with the public, share our insights, and shed light on our ongoing project.
Overall, the event provided an excellent platform to showcase our work, disseminate knowledge, and strengthen the connection between the scientific community and the general public. We look forward to participating in more such events in the future.